An institutionalized electric utility recognized for its high quality standard system and services by 2025.
To deliver efficient, reliable and quality electric services for consumers’ satisfaction and delight while sustaining good partnership with stakeholders.
Registered on March 21, 2005 by virtue of P.D. 269. Founded in November 1968. Formerly SIMBESCO or Six Mexican Barrios Electric Service Cooperative.
Pampanga Rural Electric Service Cooperative Inc.,
Brief Background
The Pampanga Rural Electric Service Cooperative, Inc. (PRESCO) was incorporated on July 9, 1982, under the provisions of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6039 which created the National Electrification Administration (NEA), as amended by Presidential Decree Nos. 269 and 1645. PRESCO was created purposely to supply, promote, and encourage the fullest use of electric service to its members on an area of coverage basis. The coop’s franchise area covers four municipalities of Pampanga namely Arayat (5 barangays), Magalang (1 barangay), Mexico (24 barangay) and Sta. Ana (4 barangays).PRESCO Office is located in Anao, Mexico, Pampanga.
Coverage Area
“The Coop's franchise area covers four minicipalities of Pampanga namely Arayat (5 barangays), Magalang (1 barangay), Mexico (24 barangays) and Sta. Ana (4 barangays).”

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PRESCO managed to soar upward as manifested by several awards and recognitions from National Electrification Administration (NEA) and other different agencies.
Summary of the awards received are as follows:
Plaque of Commendation for Annual Categorization:
2004 to 2011 - Category A+
2012 to 2014 - Triple A(AAA)
Plaque of Recognition for being Single Digit System Loss in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014;
Special Citation for the most Complying EC in Audit Evaluation given by NEA on 25th April 2008;
Certificate of Appreciation from National Power Corporation (NPC) for being Prompt Payor for year 2006;
Special Citation Award for being 100% Barangay Energized on 2010;
Certificate of Appreciation from PHILRECA in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 for being an active member;
Plaque of Appreciation from Camarines Sur 1 Electric Cooperative, Inc. ( CASURECO 1) for 2006 Task Force Typhoon Reming;
Certificate of Recognition from NEA for participating the Task Force Kapatid in 2006 for the CASURECO 2, CASURECO 3, QUELCO and OMECO;
Citation for the Best Performance from Isabela II Electric Cooperative, Inc. (ISELCO II) for participating the Task Force “Typhoon Harurot” in year 2003;
Certificate of Appreciation Task Force COSME given by Zambales 1 Electric Service Cooperative, Inc. (ZAMECO 1) in 2008;
Special Citation to a Region with the most number of additional connection for year 2008 received on 24th April 2008;
Best in System Loss Performance 3rd Place for year 2011, 2012, 2013 and 204 given by AES Philippines;
Most Improve Collection Efficiency as of 2014 given by AES Philippines;
Prompt Payor Award from December 2009 to December 2012 from AES Philippines.
Certificate of Appreciation from Capi Electric Cooperative for sending Task Force for the restoration of power after Super Typhoon Yolanda;
Plaque of Recognition from National Electrification Administration for participating actively in the restoration power and sending technical assistance through Task Force Kapatid in different electric cooperatives and private utilities affected by calamities.
CLASSIFICATION: PRESCO remained classified as Medium Sized electric Cooperative.